



"7 Secrets for You to Be a Winner"

Preparing for The Age of Enlightenment

"Your Personal Duty to Your Own Soul"






"7 Secrets for You to Be a Winner"

Spiritual Secrets of Noam Elimelech


#7 Secrets "Mind-Body-Spirit" of Your Destiny

Things Change when your "Mind-Body-Spirit" activated


#7 Secrets will get your life "Activated by Destiny"

#7 Secrets connects your "Life's Energy" to "Your Soul"


"1-2-3 Having-It-All"

Audio "1st-2nd-3rd Secrets"


Your all inclusive-ambition is "Wanting-it-all"

"Wanting-it-all" needs your gratitide of "Having-it-all"


People who complain => always "lose" what they have

Negative-thinking people => attract "failure & loss"


"#1-#2-#3 Secrets" => "Reset" - Your Mind-Body-Soul

"Gratitude & Love" - "in hindsight" all that you've had



#1st Secret - "Mind-Body-Spirit"

"Your Memories of Destiny"

Audio "1st Secret - Short-&-Sweet Version"

Audio "1st Secret - 15mins Long Version"


"Destiny is Everything You Remember"

"Hindsight is the ONLY Truthful Proof"


#1st Secret is "Mind-Body-Spirit" of Your Destiny

Everything you remember in hindsight is Destiny


Everything you've forgotten about was "Nonsense"

"Nonsense" is everything you've got no feelings for


Most people are just existing in "stand-by" mode

Most of the time you're not truly living your "Destiny"


You're "not alive" - when you're "dead-bored" with life

You're "not alive" - when you're "doing-nothing" with life


#1st Secret is "Activate Your Mind-Body-Spirit"

#1st Secret is "Activate Thoughts - Thinking of the Past"


Think of everything "BIG" you've done with your life

It's easy because you can only remember "Your Destiny"


Your "Mind-Thoughts" remembers "Your Destiny"

"Your Destiny" is all the "Good & Bad" events of life


#1st Secret is "Presence of Your Mind-Body-Spirit"

List-it-all as a "Summary-to-date" of your life's destiny


Everyone will have specific memories more than others

Every starsign has a different emphasis of "destiny"


You won't be able to remember "irrelevant nonsense"

You'll only remember "Good & Bad Destined Events"

You'll remember "it" all because of "Your Feelings"


"Feelings" define your past & present circumstances

#1st Secret is "Awakening Your Feelings" of the past

#2nd Secret is "Awakening Your Feelings" of the present



#2nd Secret - "Mind-Body-Spirit"

"Your Soul's Feelings Today"

Audio "2nd Secret - Short-&-Sweet Version"

Audio "2nd Secret - 9mins Long Version"


"Life is Everything in Your Life Today"

"Attachments to Life is Your Life's Energy"


#2nd Secret is "Awakening Your Feelings" of the present

#2nd Secret is "Presence of Your Mind-Body-Spirit"


"Your full presence" is required for "Destiny" to happen

"Shocks & Surprises" create "your immediate presence"


"Excitement" & "Panic" create "immediate presence"

"Love" & "Hate" define "living in the present moment"


List-it-all "everything/everyone" in your life today

"Love & Hate" - list "everything/everyone" in your life

"Love & Hate" are your feelings of "attachment to life"


"Happiness" is when you're living in-the-moment

"Happiness" is created in your mind by your feelings


#2nd Secret of Mind-Body-Spirit wants "HAPPINESS"


All of life - people are rushing-around & not enjoying life



#2nd Secret is "Awakening Your Loving Feelings Today"

#2nd Secret is "Activating Your Mind-Body-Soul Today"

#2nd Secret you're ready for #3rd Secret of "Miracles"



#3rd Secret - "Mind-Body-Spirit"

"The Crossroads of Your Life"

Audio "3rd Secret - Short-&-Sweet Version"

Audio "3rd Secret #1 - 6mins Version #1"

Audio "3rd Secret #2 - 9mins Version #2"



"Miracles always happen @...

"The Crossroads of Your Life"


Getting "it" right is the purpose of all "good & bad"

Freewill choice ensures you make destined "mistakes"

The more mistakes you've made => the wiser you are

"Wisdom" of knowing what's "good & bad" for you

"Wisdom" comes to you - from living "it" in real-life

"Wisdom" does not come from "books" or teachers


"Wisdom" is a gift that ensures you know what to do

"Wisdom" is your natural instinctive reactions to life

"Your Wisdom" is "Your-own-inner-God" that helps you

"Intuitive Wisdom" is "Your-own-God" talking to you

"Wisdom" is your "Go-To" when you need help

"Instinctive Wisdom" is your "Go-To" to solve problems


"Go-To" - must be "100% pure, honest & trustworthy"

"Go-To" - your father - when you need strength/confidence

"Go-To" - your mother - when you need love/compassion

"Go-To" - Masculine energies - when you need $$$$

"Go-To" - Feminine energies - when you need LOVE

"Go-To" - is your own INNER WISDOM of answers


"Go-To" - Dr - when you're sick/ill

"Go-To" - Dentist - when you've got toothache

"Go-To" - Car Mechanic - when car-troubles

"Go-To" - Psychic/astrologer - when you can't see your future

"Go-To" - Alcohol/Cigarettes - to calm your nerves

"Go-To" - Food/Chocolates - to calm your nerves

"Go-To" - Synagogue/Church/Temple - to pray

"Go-To" - Medicine/Alternative therapy to heal

"Go-To" - Kabbalists/psychic/healers to help you

"Go-To" - XYZ - when you're "in-the-shit" !


"Go-To" - at all decision-making "Crossroads" in life

"Go-To-GOD" - is your religious DNA you're born with

"OMG" - is expression of - "Go-To-GOD" - in panic !


#3rd Secret always defines "NERVOUS-PANIC"

When you're totally seeing a "VERY BIG PROBLEM"

#3rd Secret defines "DEAD-ENDS" & "BADNESS"

#3rd Secret defines "EMERGENCIES" & "PANIC"


#3rd Secret is "Panic - is FULL NERVOUS energy"

#3rd Secret is "Panic - is activating Mind-Body-Soul"

#3rd Secret is "Panic - is awakening of Your GOD"

#3rd Secret is "Panic Attacks - Your Soul is Talking"


If you're in a "PANIC" situation - this isn't the 1st time

You've had "PANIC" situations before => so "Go-To"


"REMIND" yourself of all your "PANIC" situations

"REMIND" yourself of how "Miracles" happened


"MAKE-A-LIST" of all the "Miracles" of your life

You should "REMEMBER" all your Miracles everyday


"Gratitude" to "Go-To" whoever created your Miracles

"Daily Gratitude" to "Go-To" of all your Miracles


#3rd Secret is "Daily Gratitude" for "Your Miracles"

#3rd Secret keeps your "Mind-Body-Soul" in #lucky


When you're feeling LUCKY => you become LUCKIER

Remembering "LUCKY" miracles => activates "LUCK"


#3rd Secret is because you need a "BIG CHANGE"

#3rd Secret you're Mind-Body-Soul needs a "Miracle"


"LUCK" happens because you're in sync with "Miracles"

"Miracles" happen because you're thinking "Miracles"


"Peace, Love & Money"

#1st #2nd #3rd Secrets


"Peace of Mind is Stability of Mind-Body-Soul"

#1st #2nd #3rd Secrets create "Peace & Stability"


"Back-On-Track - in - Your Destined Love of Life"

"Money" is the 1st reason for lack of peace-of-mind

"No-Love" is the 2nd reason for lack of peace-of-mind



"Crossroads & Decisions"

#4th Secret - "Mind-Body-Spirit"

"Happiness is Your Destiny"

Audio "4th Secret - Short-&-Sweet Version"

Audio "4th Secret - 6mins Long Version"


"Your Happiness is a Forever Happiness"

"Happiness is Your Soul's Higher-Energy"


The 4th Secret defines "Happiness" & "Unhappiness"

"Happiness" & "Unhappiness" is your Soul talking to you


"Happiness is When You Find What Your Soul's Searching for"

"Happiness is When You're Living Your Life"


"Unhappiness is When You've Failed & Got "it" Wrong"

"Unhappiness is When You're Not Living Your Life's Destiny"


"Happiness"is an internal energy of getting "life" right

"Happiness" is "your mind's" energy of saying this is right

"Happiness" is "your mind" saying "enjoy your destiny"

"Happiness" correlates to your mind's-thoughts of "Your Life"


Your "Happiness" is very specific to You

Your "Happiness" is when your destiny is talking to you


Everyone is searching for "True & Forever Happiness"

"True Happiness" is your "True & Forever Destiny"

"True Happiness" is all "in your mind"

"True Happiness" refuses to accept "Fake Happiness"


"Fake Happiness" is a test of deception of "True Happiness"

This is the reason why people throw-away "Fake Happiness"

Everyone is enticed into all forms of "Fake Happiness"

But Everyone has the ability to sense "Fake Happiness"


Happiness talks to your mind, body & soul's destiny

Unhappiness talks to your mind & soul's destiny


Unhappiness ensures you become awakened & activated

Unhappiness ensures you search for your-true-happiness


The more UNHAPPY you are => the more activated you are

Unhappiness creates inner determination to find your destiny


Unhappiness leads you to the "Crossroads of Choices/Decisions"

The 4th Secret is the reason for wanting & needing changes


Pluto in Aquarius - from January 2024 - will create "Decisions"

Pluto in Aquarius wants everyone to live in "True Happiness"

Pluto in Aquarius says freedom-from-any-negative situations



"Crossroads & Decisions"


Unhappiness leads you to the "Crossroads of Choices/Decisions"

The 4th Secret Happiness & Unhappiness is "Your Mind & Soul"


The 4th Secret wants to activate "Your Mind, Body & Soul"

The 4th Secret leads you to "Search for Your Brighter Future"



#5th #6th #7th Secrets

"Focus & Concentration"


The 4th Secret wants to activate "Your Mind, Body & Soul"

The 4th Secret leads you to => "#5th-#6th-7th Secrets"


"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" are specific to your own Soul

"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" wants you to become enlightened


"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" needs you to "focus & concentrate"

"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" needs "Your mind to concentrate"


The Secret of all your Success's was "Concentration"

"Concentration" - means - no distractions

"Concentration" - means - not listening to others

"Concentration" - means - focus on what's important

"Concentration" - means - your mind's determination

"Concentration" - means - desire to live your destiny

"Concentration" - means - your soul's awakening




My Secret of Living & "Understanding Noam Elimelech" is...

Thanks to Kinga in 2010-2011 - I found "Home" in Rzeszow


The Secret of "Happiness" is "Your Destiny" guiding you

"Concentration" - means - "Listening to Your Destiny"



"Part II - Mind-Body-Soul"

"Part II of 7 Secrets"






"Part II of 7 Secrets"

#5th #6th #7th Secrets


"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" are specific to your own StarSign

"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" defines "the ingredients of your life"


"#5th-#6th-7th Secrets" are keys to unlock doors in your mind

A small key can unlock a big door to the brighter future


Age of Enlightenment wants you to unlock the doors

Unlocking all the doors needs all the keys of knowledge

Noam Elimelech gives all the keys to unlock all the doors




You'll always eventually get to Your destination

Even on the pathway You chose to avoid "it"